Information détaillée concernant le cours
Titre | Laboratoire doctoral interdisciplinaire CUSO en lien avec l’European Academy of Religion – Vienne, 8-12 juillet 2025 |
Dates | 8-12 juillet 2025 |
Responsable de l'activité | Talitha COOREMAN-GUITTIN |
Organisateur(s)/trice(s) | Pre Sophie Izoard-Allaux, Université catholique de Lille Pre Elisabeth Parmentier, UNIGE Pr Olivier Bauer, UNIL, Pre Talitha Cooremann-Guittin, UNIFR
Intervenant-e-s | Pre Talitha Cooremann-Guittin, UNIFR Pre Sophie Izoard-Allaux, Université catholique de Lille Pre Elisabeth Parmentier, UNIGE Pr Olivier Bauer, UNIL
Description | “Work in transformation: religious imprints”
Religion in the workplace has become a recurring theme in European research. However, in recent debates it is mainly the beliefs of employees that have come to the fore. They are often seen in a negative light, as a hindrance to productivity, a source of internal or external conflict, or even more recently as a sign of radicalism. In the meantime, references to traditional religions are increasingly being replaced by a spiritual discourse, highlighting how work-experiences contribute to the construction of the meaning of life. This development is indicative of important choices in Western societies - both in the lives of individuals and in the structural transformation of organisations, in a context of secularisation. This panel will look at the potential for humanisation – hitherto untapped – offered by this trend, which posits service to human dignity, vulnerability, justice and the common good as the axiological horizon of the good life within a community at work.”
How to apply?
We welcome contributions on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:
Lieu |
Université de Vienne, Autriche |
Information | Cuso offers the possibility for six of its’ students in Theology or Religious sciences to present a paper at the annual EuARe-conference, in Vienna (Austria, July 8-12, 2025).
Registration, transport and lodging will be funded (expenses must comply with the following CUSO rates: a) travel; b) accommodation*).
(* 100,-CHF max per person per night (breakfast included) / half-fare 2nd class SBB-ticket reimbursed, flights in class economy.)
Places | 6 |
Délai d'inscription | 08.07.2025 |